Preparing Your Class for the Outdoor School
The Outdoor School experience begins and continues in the classroom under your guidance. If the educational and social objectives of the program are to be met, careful preparation is necessary to build a foundation and anticipation for the on-site learning. This student preparation should include:
- Developing a clear understanding of the reasons for participating in the program
- An awareness of some of the problems with which they might be confronted and ways they might be dealt with constructively
- A general knowledge of what will be taking place
- An awareness of what will be expected of them
- What items to and not to be taken
As a rule, two or more schools share the week, therefore, some degree of consistency in the preparation is beneficial if students are to have similar readiness.
This list of activities is designed as an aid to this preparation. And remember, the one thing that can influence your students most is your enthusiasm!
Teacher Information
Teacher’s Guide to Preparing Your Class Trip
Directions to Koinonia (to be Shared with Bus Drivers/Parent Drivers)
Gender Identity Policies ENGLISH | SPANISH
Safety Video
Covid Protocol
COVID-19 and Illness Protocol ENGLISH | SPANISH
Teacher Forms
Student Surveys
Student Pre-Survey for before they attend the Outdoor Science School
Student Post-Survey for after they attend the Outdoor Science School
Parent Information
Parent/Guardian Guide (Includes all of the forms below) (English)
Guía Para Los Padres/Custodios en Español (Todos los formularios abajo están incluidos) (Español)
Parent FAQs in English | Español
Parent Forms
Student Registration & Health Form (English)
Forma de Registración y Salud del Estudiante (Español)
Authorization to Administer Medication (English)
Video Tutorial: How to Complete the Authorization to Administer Medication Form
Autorización para Administrar el Medicamento (Español)
Special Dietary Needs Form (English)
Forma de Necesidades Especiales de Nutrición (Español)
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Action Plan (English)
Alergias y Plan de Acción de Anafilaxia (Español)
Behavior Expectations (English)
Expectativas de Comportamiento (Español)
Souvenir Order Form (English)
Formulario de Pedido de Recuerdo (Español)